Tuesday, December 30, 2014


It took some time for me to float back down from the cloud I was on to write this for you, but I wanted to share my experience with you!  I spent 10 days on beautiful Circle F Dude Ranch in Lake Wales, Florida with some of the most beautiful and authentic human beings I have ever encountered. If you talked to me or read my blog before I left, you know that I was a little terrified going into this experience. I was scared of the changes that were going to take place. I was scared that yet another scar was going to be torn wide open for me to face again. Those feelings were gone as soon as I set foot in the Luggage tent at Winter Solstice.

First, though, let me tell you a little about my trip to get there. I booked my flight before I even committed to going to the Solstice celebration, not paying any attention at all to the 'Travel' page on the Solstice website. I looked at where the celebration was and when I saw that it was close to Tampa, I got really excited that I would be able to visit my friend, Alison, before or after the celebration. I texted Alison to make sure she would be around and then booked my flight from Nashville to Tampa. After all, Southwest was having a big sale, and I had more than enough points to pay for the flight. Well, it turned out that 3HO had an arrangement with a shuttle service to get people from Orlando to the Ranch. Shoot...

When I found this out the week before I left, I considered changing my flight into Orlando. I was way too excited about visiting with Alison, though. Then, I got a mailer from Southwest that I was getting 6,000 points for the anniversary of my card. So, I thought, no big deal!  I'll rent a car with my points when I get down there. It turns out that renting a car is way more points than I ever would have expected. So, I called Enterprise about renting a car one-way from Tampa to Lake Wales only to find out that you could only rent cars there if you had a major credit card or a valid Florida drivers license. Dang it!!!  Why didn't I bring my credit card??  

Alison and I started brainstorming ways to make this work, and she mentioned that the husband of a friend of hers might be willing to take me out there for less than the cost of a Lyft. She texted, he agreed, and a couple hours later I found myself in the car with a perfect stranger for the 1.5 hour ride to the Ranch. He was a perfectly lovely man, and we spent our time talking about yoga, religions, his shrimp boat operations, and a random assortment of other things.  The ride passed by really fast, and before you knew it, we were turning onto the Ranch. 

We took a nice tour of the Solstice operations before ending up at the Luggage tent, where I got to meet Hari Mander, a yogi from Asheville with a heart of gold and an accent to match. He explained to me the process of checking in and gave me the skinny on the best places to set up camp and sent me out to get to know the land and find the perfect spot for delivery of my luggage. 

I walked down by the lake and found the perfect spot in full view of the glory of the water. The beautiful, healing water!  

As I stood there, though, I realized it was also in full sun, which in Florida is kind of a big deal, so I found a shady spot on top of the hill instead that still had a good view of the lake.  I had my luggage delivered to this beautiful spot and set up my borrowed tent (thank you, Beck!) with my borrowed sleeping pad (thank you, Beck!) and my borrowed sleeping bag (thank you, Beck!) and admired my view.

Then, I headed back down to the Luggage tent and hung out with my new friends. I worked six hours most of the days I was down there, but even when I wasn't working, I wanted to be in that tent with those beautiful souls. One of the managers calls it Luvvage, and it is so true. That crew is so full of love!  We met every morning while we were there except the White Tantric days and did a group meditation to clear blocks and a group check-in. This was my favorite part!  We all had time to talk about how we were feeling, things that were coming up while we were there, and what we needed.

The great thing about it was that we did these check-ins in our groups, but it continued even outside the group. I could walk up to any person down there and ask how they were doing and get an authentic, honest answer that sometimes lead to discussions about the grief I still occasionally feel over the death of my Grandpa or the end of my marriage or the elation I feel when I look up at the clouds. You never knew where these conversations were going to go, but when you were in them, you didn't have anywhere else to be. Time disappeared, and the only people who existed were the two of you holding space for each other, mirroring emotions and beauty back at each other.  One day during Tantric, I came to the realization thati wanted it to be like this everywhere. I wanted to be surrounded by authentic, open-hearted, beautiful people every day. And I'm going to find a way to make that happen.

Now on to White Tantric Yoga!  The thing I dreaded the most about this trip...and realized that there's nothing there to dread!  It was three days of sitting on a pillow facing (and mostly looking into the eyes) of a partner. The first day was someone I knew (I love you, Robin!), the second day was someone I came to know while I was down there in the days leading up to Tantric (I love you, Ranjeet!), and the third day was someone I didn't know at all and may never see or talk to again (much love to the Zen Master, Gard, pictured below). 

We sat in postures, holding mudras and repeating mantras for 31 or 62 minutes each with 10-25 minute breaks in between. They were all different and were all very specifically organized to bring up issues and emotions stored in your muscles and organs. One day of White Tantric Yoga is said to be the same as six months of therapy without having to talk about it. Amazing technology!

The emotions I went through over the three days were intense, ranging from anger to loneliness to utter exaltation. One of the mantras in kundalini yoga is "God and me, me and God, are one."  I truly felt that after three days of Tantric. I felt connected. I felt the oneness. I felt the love. It was beautiful and amazing and I have no idea what I was worried about. 

That said, they strongly encouraged us to begin a 40-day practice after Tantric and to journal and that we would likely notice subtle changes over the next 40 days. I have to say that I was a little disappointed that the changes weren't immediate. At the same time, I'm immensely grateful that there are changes and that they're gentle. I have started noticing shifts in my outlook, in my thought patterns, and in my life in general. My manifestation skills have been validated several times over the last week, with increased opportunities to teach yoga and perform energy work. I've attracted more music into my life in different forms. My faith is unwavering. I'm excited about my life and the directions it's headed. I finally feel like I'm running in the right direction.

And all of this happened because I had the courage to face my fear of change. In my numerology reading from 3HO, it said that my gift is fearlessness. I talked to Alison one day when I was in Tampa about how I was scared to death about so many of the things I've done, and she told me about this amazing quote from John Wayne:

And then I came home and one of my Christmas gifts from my partner's family was this really cool key!

I've been wearing it every day since I got it, and I look forward to the day that I can pass it on to someone else who needs it.  I hope you all have the courage to face the fears that are keeping you "stuck" wherever you feel stuck. Change is a beautiful thing, and there is so much beauty in life if you just go out and live it!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Self Love Day #7 - Last Day!

Just a reminder, this self-love revolution came from Marin Bach-Antonson, who you can learn more about here.  This beautiful woman came to me through Kim Salter who facilitates the Nashville Sister Circle I talked about last week.  A lot of this is copied directly from Marin's emails, so I'm not going to take any credit for it other than sharing it with you and adding my little comments here and there about my own experience!

Thank you all for being on this journey with me.  Thank you for co-creating in the truest form.  Thank you for loving yourselves and generating love for the collective.

Today is the final day of the self-love revolution.  In the meantime I want to encourage you to get a self-love journal and begin writing 5-10 things PER day that you love about yourself to keep the momentum going!!!

Here's another idea:  Write yourself a THANK YOU letter today.  Thank yourself for jumping in and being part of this process.  Tell yourself what you are proud of and shower yourself with kindness for showing up and shining this week.

Today's Invitation:  I want to invite you to go outdoors and connect with nature.  Nature holds a vibration that is healing- as you walk outdoors- you reset your own energy field.

Go outside to an open space and hold your arms out wide to the universe.  Open your heart big to the "all that is".  Hold your body open like a container fully willing to receive.  When you are ready (IF you are ready) make this declaration.

"I open my heart fully to all that is.  I surrender myself to you in love so that I may be a catalyst of love for others.  I am open and willing to dedicate my life to love."

I know it’s a big statement and a big commitment but I wanted to make the invitation.
Make a declaration to the universe with a big voice or a whisper.  Whichever you choose-- say the words aloud.

(Of course, they don't have to be these exact words-choose your own if you'd rather)

All week you have spent time loving yourself.  Now you are ready to take the self-love revolution out into the world.

Make a list of at least 10 loving things you might do for another person.  Either someone you know or a stranger.

Brainstorm ideas of how you might spread love in your own, unique, creative way.

ex)  drop off a meal to a neighbor
put $ in the starbucks tip jar for 7 straight days
send out happy-talk texts to at least 3 people
write a letter to an old friend
make someone a surprise gift

Write at least one idea in the comments here so that we might share ideas.  What a wonderful brainstorm that will be!!

Thank you again for being a part of these past 7 days with me.
It’s been a very significant time astrologically and a wonderful week to be together doing the self-love revolution!

Happy self-loving!!!

Much love,

Emily Rose and Marin

Check out Marin's website here: https://www.facebook.com/Riseupgoddess

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Self Love Day #6

Just a reminder, this self-love revolution came from Marin Bach-Antonson, who you can learn more about here.  This beautiful woman came to me through Kim Salter who facilitates the Nashville Sister Circle I talked about last week.  A lot of this is copied directly from Marin's emails, so I'm not going to take any credit for it other than sharing it with you and adding my little comments here and there about my own experience!

Today is all about forgiveness. 

Forgiveness, I realize is not anything FOR the other person.

Forgiveness is one of the most self-loving things we can do.

It’s also the highest (and often hardest) spiritual work.

Are you willing to LOVE yourself fully by forgiving another person?

Make a list today of all the little grudges and resentments that take up real-estate in your heart.  Really be honest with yourself as you write them down.  Circle the biggest "ouchy" on your list.  How much space in your heart would you free up if you were to let this go?

You don't have to know HOW to forgive, you just need to be willing.

Start with, "I am willing to forgive ___________."

Hold them in a picture in your mind.  See them on a stage and see love directed to them.  It doesn't have to be YOUR love - just universal love.  Send it to them.  Wrap them in it.

Hold someone in your heart today with a willingness to forgive and let this be your most bold, daring act of self-love yet!

Today’s Invitation: LOVE Water

I want to invite you to write LOVE on a water bottle.  Place your bottle in sunlight for a few moments for extra goodness.  Bless your water with love and then drink your own self made "cup of self-love elixir".  Let the elixir wash away the resentments, upsets and frustrations you carry in your body.

Do this all day with any water you drink.  Speak the word love love love over it. And other high-vibration words you wish.  You can also make an on-going practice of this.

As you drink, know that you are filling yourself with a healing tonic that could work wonders and don't take that lightly.  I want to invite you to BELIEVE in energy and to believe in the power of love. In fact I can prove it!

I'm sure many of you have heard of the work of Dr. Emoto and the hidden messages in water.  It’s fascinating and worth learning about!

In short, if you've never seen this I'll outline it with a super simple explanation:

Dr. Emoto spoke negative, violent words over water and then photographed the molecules.  They were distorted and ugly.

Then he spoke loving and kind words over the water and photographed again.  This time they were perfectly shaped, intact and beautiful.

In other words- love affects water!

For more information check out his book, Hidden Messages in Water, or look on you tube for info.

You can drink your healing tonic, bless your heart with it, water your plants, etc.

May your deep thirst for all that you desire be quenched with love.

Much love,

Emily Rose and Marin

Check out Marin's website here: https://www.facebook.com/Riseupgoddess

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Self Love Day #5

Just a reminder, this self-love revolution came from Marin Bach-Antonson, who you can learn more about here.  This beautiful woman came to me through Kim Salter who facilitates the Nashville Sister Circle I talked about last week.  A lot of this is copied directly from Marin's emails, so I'm not going to take any credit for it other than sharing it with you and adding my little comments here and there about my own experience!

You are perfect just as you are
You are enough
You are so loveable
You are important
You are beautiful inside and out
Your body is perfect just as it is

Imagine if we grew up hearing this every night before bed and every morning as we met the new day as children.

How might your life have been different?  I'm not sure how to answer that for myself, but I DO know that I am a caregiver for a small child.  We can start right here, right now to foster a new generation that grows up hearing these messages.

How might their lives be different?

Create a truth mantra for your children, your nieces, nephews, grand babies, etc.

Choose 3 lines, like the ones above that feel really good...maybe ones that you would have wanted to hear as a kid...and start saying them to the children in your life.  Constantly!

Whisper them.  Make a painting for your kid’s room.  Write a letter. Write notes in lunch bags.  Make it your sign off in your cards.  Create a goodnight song.  Do everything you can to give the children in your life a loud and clear message that they are perfect as they are.

Now here's some great news.  It’s actually not too late for us.  We can still offer these loving words to the inner children in us.

Imagine if we started right here, right now and also began to foster a new generation of women and men who love themselves enough to take the time to speak lovingly to themselves everyday...

Imagine if you spoke these words aloud every night and every morning.

How would your life be different?

I want to invite you to make this a NON-NEGOTIABLE in your life. 

This is a revolution after all and revolutionaries don't play small.  They don't sit on the sidelines and just post on FB.

What changes are you making?  What steps are you taking?  What shifts are you noticing?

It's time to up the ante.

This is going to end in 2 days and if you're not careful your personal revolution will end with it.

For the Love of Self....Don't let that happen!

Make a list of 3 non-negotiables that will help you continue your self-love revolution.

I'll start and end my day with my truth mantra
I'll eat something green daily
I'll buy myself a small self-love gift once a week/month

Now this is important Just THREE.  Just THREE!  Just THREE!?  And keep them simple!

People have a tendency to go whole hog with wanting to make change and then easily fizzle out.  It’s not because you're lazy.  It's because it's TOO MUCH for the critter brain to deal with; too much change and a threat to identity.  The ego won't allow the change to take place without a vicious fight. Most people give up the fight because it’s too mentally exhausting. What happens...we forget!?  Hence, we bungee back to where we started.

If you start with three super small, simple things you have a much higher chance of actually creating lasting change.

So, given those guidelines, what are YOUR 3 non-negotiables?  Post them here in the comments and on your facebook page.

Today's Invitation:  Give yourself at least 5 hugs throughout the day!

Today's Self-Love Dare: Let at least 1 hug be in public!

Honestly what is the worst that could happen...someone looks at you funny!?
Now what’s the best thing that could happen...someone walks away with a spark in their heart, a smile on their face, and the message to love themselves! 

I dare you!  :)


Today's Self-Love Resource:  I love this article from Tina Su who writes about taking yourself out on a self-love date.


She gives some cool ideas and I thought you would like this.

I want to invite you to SCHEDULE a self-love date TODAY and put it on your calendar for next week.

This will help you continue your self-love revolution once this journey is over.

But enough of that!  We still have three full days of self-love, sisterhood and sparks to make!

Much love and hugs,
Emily Rose and Marin

Check out Marin's website here: https://www.facebook.com/Riseupgoddess

Friday, December 19, 2014

Self Love Day #4

Just a reminder, this self-love revolution came from Marin Bach-Antonson, who you can learn more about here.  This beautiful woman came to me through Kim Salter who facilitates the Nashville Sister Circle I talked about last week.  A lot of this is copied directly from Marin's emails, so I'm not going to take any credit for it other than sharing it with you and adding my little comments here and there about my own experience!

Who do you have the potential to be?  If Self-Love was a fully expressed reality and all the fear disappeared and all the old stories were suddenly erased.....who is the you left standing there?

One of the reasons we hold so dearly to the pain of our "not-enoughness" is that it is familiar.  Like a well worn sweater the not enough story is one that has been worn and stretched and paraded about town quite a bit in our lives.  And even though it's not the most flattering thing we "wear"....it sure is comfortable?!

Did you know that it is a proven fact that people would rather be miserable that have to face change?

Sounds crazy to conscious mind but consider this.  To the ego...Identity is Everything!  The ego will go to great lengths (even misery) to hold tight to familiarity and identity.   To change is a death threat to the ego!

Because if you CHANGE...who are you?????

The ego will fight tooth and nail to keep you from changing if it is faced with a loss of identity.

So today we are going to skirt around the ego as if she was a sleeping pitbull and we are going to do some gentle yet powerful change work.

Fact:  Change-work starts with vision.

If you are not your old stories of not enough, not worthy and not deserving, WHO ARE YOU?

You need to create a new identity for yourself in order to keep the ego from becoming vicious and using everything in its power to have you not change.

Michael Beckwith spoke one of my favorite pieces of wisdom of all time:

"Pain Pushes Until Vision Pulls"

Up to this point in your life your identity has likely been crafted out of pain. 
All good.  That has been perfect and fine and right.

But now...you have a choice.

Do you want to continue to come from pain or are you willing to let love heal so that you can come from vision?

Today's Invitation: A New SELF (-love) Vision

Who are you if you are not your old "truths"? 
Who are you when you are totally safe to express all the brilliance within you?
Who do you have the potential to be when you step into the experience of radical self-acceptance?

Get out a lined piece of paper and a pen.

Part 1:  Start with this one line:

I have the potential to be:

(write 10 possibilities)
ex.  I have the potential to be a deeply impactful teacher of life and love
I have the potential to be a fully expressed modern day priestess who embodies her power and inspires others
I have the potential to be love in all my actions, thoughts and words

Keep writing until you have 10.

Part 2:  Use this new line:

I AM......

Don't think, just write and see what emerges!
(write 10 possibilities
Ex.  I am divine
I am perfect as I am
I am a vessel for service

Part 3:

Now choose the most resonate (favorite) statements from Part 1 and 2 and put them together.

 Ex) I have the potential to be a fully expressed priestess who embodies her power and inspires others because I am a vessel for service.

Edit your statement however you like so that you LOVE it!!
Your statement should feel as if it mirrors a new truth back to.

Part 4:

Post and share unapologetically; fully in your power with a willingness to be seen, an openness to be celebrated.  Post it in the comments here!  If you choose to play big and be brave, bold and kick-butt awesome....Post and share on your personal page too!

Here’s an example of what to post on your page.

"I'm part of a 7-day Self-Love Revolution and this statement was part of our work this week.  I'm putting it out there because it's who I am with my "not-enough" story. How about you?  Who do YOU have the potential to be?”

Put it out there loud and proud!

The world RESPONDS to who you say you are!!

Today's Mantra:

I am willing to love myself and the world loves me back.

Look for evidence of this today.  The universe WILL give you love if you ask for evidence of it!

Little miracles WILL show up in your life to mirror your love back to you. You have to really be open to seeing them.  Expect them.  Don't question them.  If you see it, it is so.  It might be a person who smiles at you, a favor a friend offers, a self-love theme song that comes on the radio, etc.... 

Delight in finding these little reflections all throughout your day.

Thank you again for being part of this movement!  I feel change in the air and change in my life, and it’s amazing!

Much love,
Marin and Emily Rose

You can check out Marin's website here: https://www.facebook.com/Riseupgoddess

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Self Love Day #3

Another reminder, this self-love revolution came from Marin Bach-Antonson, who you can learn more about here.  This beautiful woman came to me through Kim Salter who facilitates the Nashville Sister Circle I talked about last week.  A lot of this is copied directly from Marin's emails, so I'm not going to take any credit for it other than sharing it with you and adding my little comments here and there about my own experience!

Yesterday we held sacred space to honor our vulnerable “truth.”

Of course this isn't TRUTH - the truth is we are all divinely perfect in every possible way.

What we shared was the authenticity of our feelings and those deep parts of ourselves that feel disconnected from wholeness.  So why share "negative" things during a 7 day self-love journey?

Well first, I believe there is no negative.

Second, because naming the "fear" is actually an essential piece for lasting transformation and self-love.  We MUST be able to come into resonance with the parts of ourselves that feel imperfect, invalid and scared.  If we neglect or fight those parts (as I have for years) transformation cannot take place.  Period.

So the self-love revolution is an opportunity for us to connect with and love back the parts of ourselves that we have disowned.  

What parts are you willing to love?

Here is today's wisdom:  Love it first and it will change.

Ex)  I am willing to love my belly.
I am willing to love the part of me that feels small when I'm around beautiful people
I am willing to love the part of me that procrastinates.

Love yourself back to wholeness.

I want to invite you to move through your day today with an "I am WILLING mindset".

Today's Invitation: A Self-Love Exploration

Finish these sentences for yourself in a journal:

If I truly loved myself I would start __________________________.

If I truly loved myself I would stop _____________________________.

If I opened my heart up wide to myself it would say __________________________.

Feel free to share your answers here in the comments, with your group of friends or on your Facebook page.

Today's 2nd Invitation:  Choose a Self-Love theme Song and DANCE!!!!!

Did you know that one of the best ways to shift out of a fear mindset and release anxiety is actually to move your body?  Movement instantly changes your physiology!  That's why working out is so effective for depression.  

Today I want to invite you to choose a self-love theme song or maybe even a short self-love playlist and to DANCE at least once today!!!!!

Dance the "I am willing to love myself dance"

Dance it for you, your daughters, your friends, your sisters and for all women everywhere on the planet.

Let your dance be your prayer.

Let it be a powerful declaration.

Let it move the fear for you and for us all.

Choose songs that really light you up and speak to your soul; songs that you can unleash, expand, awaken and explode into; songs that lift your heart and help you feel alive.

My Self-Love Theme Songs

- Roar by Katy Perry
- Happy by Pharrell Williams
- Brave by Sarah Bareilles
- Let it Go from Frozen
- Rolling in the Deep by Adele

And my ALL TIME FAVORITE: "I was Here" by Beyonce


I want to send this song to you all today as a gift. 

Today’s 3rd Invitation:

If we are truly going to leave a mark and make a difference as the songs says, we have to put what we do and who we are into BOLD ACTION.  Start by making a choice.  Take all of yourself out into the world today. Stand up, stand strong, open your heart and let your self-love BEAM.  BE a force and a model for self-love through your eyes, your smile, your gestures and your words.

You are powerful beyond compare and when you choose to practice self-love and em-BODY it....oh!  The possibilities!

Let the world see self-love in your eyes today.

Much love,
Marin and Emily Rose

Check out Marin's website here: https://www.facebook.com/Riseupgoddess

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Self Love Day #2

Just a reminder, this self-love revolution came from Marin Bach-Antonson, who you can learn more about here.  This beautiful woman came to me through Kim Salter who facilitates the Nashville Sister Circle I talked about last week.  A lot of this is copied directly from Marin's emails, so I'm not going to take any credit for it other than sharing it with you and adding my little comments here and there about my own experience!

This week, we are being radical about practicing self-love and part of that is learning how to Talk Ourselves Happy. Today, anytime you notice you are judging yourself, berating yourself, pushing yourself or putting yourself down, I want to suggest that you stop that habitual thought whenever you can by saying, “NOPE!  Not this week.  I'm choosing to love myself.”  Then, take a deep breath to change your physiology and tap your heart point (where you'd put a hand for the pledge of allegiance) 3 x.  This will interrupt the negativity with ninja effectiveness and even begin imprint the new thought pattern!  Do this as many times today as you can.

Today's Invitation: A Self-Love Truth Telling Ritual

Part of loving ourselves is not just about feeling amazing about who we are.  It's also the ability to be vulnerable with ourselves. We're not perfect.  Self-love is the ability to embrace our fears, soften around our mistakes and be gentle with the parts of ourselves that feel inadequate.  The last thing we want to do this week is get so "self-lovie" that the inadequate parts feel even more abandoned. 

So the invite today is to sit with a tender heart and give yourself about 10 minutes to do this Self-Love Ritual.

A Self-Love Truth Telling Ritual
(You'll need: Pen, paper, a mirror and a candle)

Start by lighting a candle to honor the light within YOU.  Spend a few moments to "presence" yourself.  Let go of your day.  Bring yourself into the moment. Open your heart. Once you can feel yourself fully present, you’re ready to get started.

If you were to tell some vulnerable truths to yourself what would you say? 

Use pen and paper to finish this sentence and fill a whole page:

The Truth is: 
(ex)  I am scared of failing
I often feel like people don't get me
I'm not comfortable letting people see me without makeup

Give yourself some quiet sacred, space to get soft with yourself.
When you are finished with your list, read it aloud to yourself and insert "It's OK" at the beginning of each sentence.  For example, "It's ok that I'm scared of failing,"

When you are done reading your list aloud, get out your mirror (or go to one) and look yourself deep in the eyes.  REALLY look at yourself with eyes of love and softness and say this:

"I love and accept you exactly as you are right now"

At first the ego will boom back:  "What a joke, look at your skin, ugh, etc.... "  Allow it.  Love it.  Be ok with it. Your ego is just trying to protect you in the best way it knows how.  Stay there in front of the mirror for at least 2 minutes.  (You might even set a timer on your phone.)  Hold your gaze like you would a loved one.  Love yourself.  Be as tender as you can.  Say your affirmation a few more times.

Go back to your candle- Bless yourself with the light of the flame as if you could paint a bubble of warm angelic light all around you.  Smile to signal that you have received this self-blessing.  Say a few names aloud to whom you also want to send this blessing to and imagine that you CAN send "self-love" light to anywhere in the world.  For example, “I share this light with Amy, Greta and all women who suffer violence and believe it's their fault.”

Close your ritual by placing a hand on your heart and thanking yourself for time well spent with YOU.

All in all, this will literally take about 15 minutes.  Please give yourself this gift.
Ritual is powerful because it is the language of the psyche.  The subconscious responds to imagery and symbolic action.  You are literally re-patterning the subconscious when you create this experience for yourself.

Today's Resource:  The Power of Vulnerability

Each day Marin also shared a gift with us; a resource, a poem, etc.  I’m going to pass those along to you, too.  Today, it's Brene Brown at TED talks speaking about vulnerability.

If you haven't seen it- it's truly a must, must, must!!!!
If you HAVE seen it, I want to invite you to drink it in with new "self-love" eyes. 


True vulnerability is the core of self-love. 

Don't forget to post 3 things you love about yourself today and try to get your FB friends to do the same.  Women tend to find intimacy in complaining to each other about everything that is shitty about life.  My cranky kids, my lazy husband, my fat ass.  OMG...my ass is so fat too and believe me my husband is even lazier than yours.....etc. etc.

Imagine if we could change this and birth a new model where women could find intimacy in sharing the most beautiful things they love about themselves.
We're changing the world one post at a time!

Thank you for being part of this with me and thank you for loving yourself!

Much love,

Marin and Emily Rose

Check out Marin's website here: https://www.facebook.com/Riseupgoddess

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

A Week of Self Love Starts Today!

Self Love Day #1

What a great time to give yourself a little self love!  We're coming into the holidays HOT HOT HOT!  I can't believe how fast they snuck up on me this year.  I’m also heading off to Winter Solstice Sadhana Celebration, so I wanted to get these to you to work on while I’m gone and working on myself.  Disclaimer: I meant for these to post while I was at Solstice, but technology didn't work with me. Oh well!  😀

As promised, over the next seven days, I'm going to share some self love teachings from Marin Bach-Antonson, who you can learn more about here.  This beautiful woman came to me through Kim Salter who facilitates the Nashville Sister Circle I talked about last week.  A lot of this is copied directly from Marin's emails, so I'm not going to take any credit for it other than sharing it with you and adding my little comments here and there about my own experience!  So, are you ready to dive right in??


These are a few things you can do every day that will start you on the path of self love!

1. Get a package of post-it notes or some paper and tape, and put reminder notes all around your house...especially on your mirrors and even in your car!  I even made the background and lock screen on my phone a photo of my post-it note.  The notes should simply say, "I love you!"  This is your mantra this week.  Say it as often as you possibly can.  Think of yourself as an empty vase that needs filled, and you fill that vase a little more every time you say, "I love you.”  It might be awkward at first but stick with it.  "I love you" is powerful medicine!!  JUST doing this one thing could potentially change your life!  And if you've been doing the mirror work that I discussed a couple of weeks ago, you're already a step ahead of the game here!

2. Each day, share at least 3 THINGS that you love about yourself.  You can post them here anonymously in the comments, share with some trusted friends or family, or if you're brave, even post it on your Facebook page!  Here is a sample post:

This week I'm sparking a self-love revolution and I want to invite you to join me!  I'm going to be posting 3 things per day that I love about myself because I believe that if one person does it we give permission for others to do the same.  Will you join me?  What are three things you love about yourself?  Write them here and post this on your page.  Here are my three things:

I love my naturally wavy auburn hair.

I love my curves.

I love my voice.

3. Begin your day with love, not technology.  I use my phone for my alarm clock, so it's really easy for me to grab it to turn off the alarm and then start playing on email or Facebook.  Instead, remind yourself of your worthiness before getting out of bed. Breathe in love and breathe out love.  Enfold yourself in light.  Saturate your being in love.  Most people start their day with a low level of dread.  Consciously make a choice to shift this mindset for these 7 days, and hopefully for a lifetime!

4. Are you brave enough to ditch your scale for the week?  Do it!  Put it in the garage, the basement or perhaps the trash.  Weight is one of the biggest "bear traps" when it comes to self-love.  We are going to radically practice acceptance this week and for many of us, the scale is a sure fire spiral into negative patterned thinking. Get rid of it.  If you really want to you can bring it back next Monday.  I haven’t owned a scale in a little over two years, and it’s amazing how much happier I am with my body!


Ok, so those were the daily rituals.  Here is the invitation for day one:

Treat yourself like a dear, dear friend and go out and buy yourself a little treasure today.  You can choose whatever budget you'd like but I want to suggest something small like $5-10 dollars.

What wonderful present will choose?  A bar of dark chocolate, a bunch of tulips, a new nail polish color, a bar of fancy soap?  Buy something you normally wouldn't!

If you don't have the time to pick up an item, then write yourself a short, sweet note.

Must do:  Have fun turning attention on yourself!

Enjoy this week!

Much love,

Marin and Emily Rose

Check out Marin's website here: https://www.facebook.com/Riseupgoddess

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Love of a Sister

I've had the joy this week of reconnecting with my many sisters in this life in one way or another.  My blood sister has started dating again, and she's coming to me for advice.  It's drawing us together in a way that I never thought possible for so many reasons, starting with the one where I told my parents to take her back the first time I met her in the hospital.  I don't know what was going through my 2 1/2 year old mind when I said that, but that's the mentality that has stuck with me and a stigma that has tainted my relationship with my sister for the last 32 years.

My family moved around a lot when I was growing up.  I had friends, but they came and went a lot.  I still see some of them occasionally, but the constant people in my life were my parents, my big brother (who I had an amazing relationship with) and my little sister (who was always someone I tolerated being around).  Growing up, I always found it easier to relate with my brother.  He talked enough for the both of us (I was always quiet and shy growing up), and was there for me when I needed help or needed someone to stand up for me.

My little sister was just a pest who took Mom and Dad's attention away from me, and I was a princess and deserved all of their attention!  Haha!  At least that's what my little child self always thought (maybe even still thinks??).  I built up a resentment toward my sister that usually resulted in me hurting her either physically or emotionally and then going out for a run to burn off the remaining anger I felt toward her.  Everyone always told me that as we grew up, we would grow closer, but that just never happened for us.  In my mind, she would always be that spoiled little child who demanded all of Mom and Dad's attention and love.

While I "grew up," got my degree, got a "real" job, got married, and settled into a life of goals and ambitions, I watched her struggle to find her footing jumping from one job to the next, living off (and with) mom and dad and continuing to demand all of their attention and love even as an adult.  I continued to water the resentment I held toward her and allowed it to grow into the light.

When I started seeing a therapist and started really diving into the issues with my sister, I actually started talking about the resentment I had toward her.  I would openly tell her and anyone else who would listen how miserable I was because of her.  This only started to lighten when she started to "grow up."  She really started working on herself and figured out what she wanted to do with her life.  She wanted to go to nanny school.  At this point, Mom and Dad were refusing to pay for yet another round of training for a job she would work for a few months and realize that it wasn't what she wanted to do.  For some reason, it felt right for me to help her.  I cosigned on a student loan for her to attend English Nanny and Governess School, and she went through with it.  I was so proud of her the day I went up to Chagrin Falls, Ohio to watch her graduate and get her Nanny Certification.  She got an amazing job with a family in Chicago, and I really felt like she was getting her life together.  There were a couple of hiccups along the way, but she stuck with the nanny gig and was really good at it.

When I got divorced and quit my job, however, I started to resent her again, because she lived off my parents for so long.  When I wanted their help, though, they told me to get a job or maybe I shouldn't have quit the job I had.  I couldn't understand why it was okay for her to work through all of her stuff with their help, and it wasn't okay for me to be without a job and try to figure out what I wanted to do with my life.  And one day, they started helping me.  They bought me food and toilet paper and paper towels, and asked what else I needed.  This somehow helped to melt away some of the resentment I felt toward my sister.

Then, she started going to school.  She had tried school before that didn't last, so I wasn't sure how serious she was this time.  For some reason, though, this time was different.  She's finishing up her second semester, and I couldn't be more proud of her for the woman she's becoming.  She even helped me get a job as a nanny to an adorable little boy who I'm helping raise into an amazing and loving toddler.  She started dating recently and reached out to me for advice, and I feel like we're finally starting to relate the way that sisters are meant to relate.

On Sunday, we went to breakfast and then to service at the Center for Spiritual Living Nashville.  One of the songs that they sang during service was "Hold On" by Wilson Phillips.  I don't know a single 30-something girl who didn't have that song on cassette when they were little, not to mention the amazing homage to the song at the end of the movie "Bridesmaids".  Let me interject by saying that every service I have been to at the Center has made me cry at least once; tears of joy, tears of sorrow, tears of loss, tears at how beautiful the young souls are who get up and do their affirmations at the beginning of service and then the song about them being a big, shiny light that we sing as they leave to go off to their youth activities during the rest of service.

Well, of course "Hold On" made me cry, because for some reason, this was the week that I felt like I needed a break from all of the work I was doing.  I am scared shitless about the journey I am embarking on as I go into another Kundalini training weekend followed by a week at Kundalini Winter Solstice Sadhana Celebration, not to mention not knowing where my life is going.  When they sang the words, "I know that there is pain, but you hold on for one more day, and you break free from the chains," I couldn't help but tear up knowing that it was a sign that my time is coming.  Every sign I've gotten this week has told me this same thing; given me this same message.  At the end of service, they always sing a song as people are walking out, and "Hold On" was that song.  My sister and I channeled our inner "bridesmaids" and joined the Music Ministry as we danced along in our pew, a little more of that resentment melting away.  I think that might have been the closest I've ever felt to my sister, and I'm glad to have deepened that bond.

Today, I shared that same love with a different kind of sister, a soul sister.  We all have people who we come into this life knowing, and I have had the wonderful opportunity to reconnect with many of my soul sisters, thanks to a beautiful soul named Kim Salter, who facilitates a Sisterhood Circle in East Nashville.  It is a beautiful gathering of sensitive, strong and amazing women who come together to hold space for each other and really listen in a way that facilitates healing.  This is an amazing group, because how often are you really heard in your life?  As someone working on my expression and opening myself and my voice, it is very important for me to feel heard at a soul level.  These women offer that for me, and the friendships and bonds extend out past the weekly circle, as well.  If this is something you feel is missing in your life, you can learn more about Circle on Kim's LIFE.Designed Facebook page here.

I also had the amazing opportunity today to connect with two of my friends from my engineering days who have seen me through a lot of the inner turmoil and helped me through the worst days and still love and support me through the changes I'm experiencing in my life.  I'm so grateful to have such amazing friends and such amazing lunches to remind me of that connection.  The friendship I share with those women is so much more than any of the friendships I've ever had, and I'm so grateful for the growth I've gotten to witness in their lives and relationships.

And coming back to that little bit where I talked about messages and signs that have come to me this week, I want to talk a little bit about RunYogaLove.  Beck and I have been running almost every Saturday since I started it in September in the hopes that someone will join us.  It hasn't been a big deal that we haven't had others with us yet, because it was kind of fun having each other to run with and having him there made me feel less tied to any kind of results or growth or expectations I had in starting it.

The last two weekends, however, Beck ran in a half marathon and went to visit family, so I ran by myself.  I used to love running by myself.  It was a fun way for me to explore the city and enjoy the weather and the scenery.  For some reason, the last two Saturdays were really hard for me and brought up a lot of my feelings of not being enough.  Am I not trying hard enough to spread the word?  Am I not likeable enough for people to want to run with me?

Before you freak out and start reaching out to make sure I'm okay, I know this is not true.  I know that I am enough and that I am beautiful and perfect in every way.  We all have our moments, though, right?  It triggered a lot of my "not enough" mentality that I have struggled with most of my life.  It has been a great opportunity for me to work on that, and I am so appreciative that I have had that opportunity.  As I was questioning why I'm doing it, I kept getting the message that I should keep going.  Keep running.  Keep showing up.

I'm ready for you to join me, though!  I will be in teacher training this weekend and out of town December 14-25, but I look forward to seeing you all on the road at 6:30 am on Saturday, December 27th to run off those holiday cookies!

Much love,
Emily Rose