Sunday, December 21, 2014

Self Love Day #6

Just a reminder, this self-love revolution came from Marin Bach-Antonson, who you can learn more about here.  This beautiful woman came to me through Kim Salter who facilitates the Nashville Sister Circle I talked about last week.  A lot of this is copied directly from Marin's emails, so I'm not going to take any credit for it other than sharing it with you and adding my little comments here and there about my own experience!

Today is all about forgiveness. 

Forgiveness, I realize is not anything FOR the other person.

Forgiveness is one of the most self-loving things we can do.

It’s also the highest (and often hardest) spiritual work.

Are you willing to LOVE yourself fully by forgiving another person?

Make a list today of all the little grudges and resentments that take up real-estate in your heart.  Really be honest with yourself as you write them down.  Circle the biggest "ouchy" on your list.  How much space in your heart would you free up if you were to let this go?

You don't have to know HOW to forgive, you just need to be willing.

Start with, "I am willing to forgive ___________."

Hold them in a picture in your mind.  See them on a stage and see love directed to them.  It doesn't have to be YOUR love - just universal love.  Send it to them.  Wrap them in it.

Hold someone in your heart today with a willingness to forgive and let this be your most bold, daring act of self-love yet!

Today’s Invitation: LOVE Water

I want to invite you to write LOVE on a water bottle.  Place your bottle in sunlight for a few moments for extra goodness.  Bless your water with love and then drink your own self made "cup of self-love elixir".  Let the elixir wash away the resentments, upsets and frustrations you carry in your body.

Do this all day with any water you drink.  Speak the word love love love over it. And other high-vibration words you wish.  You can also make an on-going practice of this.

As you drink, know that you are filling yourself with a healing tonic that could work wonders and don't take that lightly.  I want to invite you to BELIEVE in energy and to believe in the power of love. In fact I can prove it!

I'm sure many of you have heard of the work of Dr. Emoto and the hidden messages in water.  It’s fascinating and worth learning about!

In short, if you've never seen this I'll outline it with a super simple explanation:

Dr. Emoto spoke negative, violent words over water and then photographed the molecules.  They were distorted and ugly.

Then he spoke loving and kind words over the water and photographed again.  This time they were perfectly shaped, intact and beautiful.

In other words- love affects water!

For more information check out his book, Hidden Messages in Water, or look on you tube for info.

You can drink your healing tonic, bless your heart with it, water your plants, etc.

May your deep thirst for all that you desire be quenched with love.

Much love,

Emily Rose and Marin

Check out Marin's website here:

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