Monday, December 22, 2014

Self Love Day #7 - Last Day!

Just a reminder, this self-love revolution came from Marin Bach-Antonson, who you can learn more about here.  This beautiful woman came to me through Kim Salter who facilitates the Nashville Sister Circle I talked about last week.  A lot of this is copied directly from Marin's emails, so I'm not going to take any credit for it other than sharing it with you and adding my little comments here and there about my own experience!

Thank you all for being on this journey with me.  Thank you for co-creating in the truest form.  Thank you for loving yourselves and generating love for the collective.

Today is the final day of the self-love revolution.  In the meantime I want to encourage you to get a self-love journal and begin writing 5-10 things PER day that you love about yourself to keep the momentum going!!!

Here's another idea:  Write yourself a THANK YOU letter today.  Thank yourself for jumping in and being part of this process.  Tell yourself what you are proud of and shower yourself with kindness for showing up and shining this week.

Today's Invitation:  I want to invite you to go outdoors and connect with nature.  Nature holds a vibration that is healing- as you walk outdoors- you reset your own energy field.

Go outside to an open space and hold your arms out wide to the universe.  Open your heart big to the "all that is".  Hold your body open like a container fully willing to receive.  When you are ready (IF you are ready) make this declaration.

"I open my heart fully to all that is.  I surrender myself to you in love so that I may be a catalyst of love for others.  I am open and willing to dedicate my life to love."

I know it’s a big statement and a big commitment but I wanted to make the invitation.
Make a declaration to the universe with a big voice or a whisper.  Whichever you choose-- say the words aloud.

(Of course, they don't have to be these exact words-choose your own if you'd rather)

All week you have spent time loving yourself.  Now you are ready to take the self-love revolution out into the world.

Make a list of at least 10 loving things you might do for another person.  Either someone you know or a stranger.

Brainstorm ideas of how you might spread love in your own, unique, creative way.

ex)  drop off a meal to a neighbor
put $ in the starbucks tip jar for 7 straight days
send out happy-talk texts to at least 3 people
write a letter to an old friend
make someone a surprise gift

Write at least one idea in the comments here so that we might share ideas.  What a wonderful brainstorm that will be!!

Thank you again for being a part of these past 7 days with me.
It’s been a very significant time astrologically and a wonderful week to be together doing the self-love revolution!

Happy self-loving!!!

Much love,

Emily Rose and Marin

Check out Marin's website here:

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