Friday, December 19, 2014

Self Love Day #4

Just a reminder, this self-love revolution came from Marin Bach-Antonson, who you can learn more about here.  This beautiful woman came to me through Kim Salter who facilitates the Nashville Sister Circle I talked about last week.  A lot of this is copied directly from Marin's emails, so I'm not going to take any credit for it other than sharing it with you and adding my little comments here and there about my own experience!

Who do you have the potential to be?  If Self-Love was a fully expressed reality and all the fear disappeared and all the old stories were suddenly erased.....who is the you left standing there?

One of the reasons we hold so dearly to the pain of our "not-enoughness" is that it is familiar.  Like a well worn sweater the not enough story is one that has been worn and stretched and paraded about town quite a bit in our lives.  And even though it's not the most flattering thing we "wear" sure is comfortable?!

Did you know that it is a proven fact that people would rather be miserable that have to face change?

Sounds crazy to conscious mind but consider this.  To the ego...Identity is Everything!  The ego will go to great lengths (even misery) to hold tight to familiarity and identity.   To change is a death threat to the ego!

Because if you CHANGE...who are you?????

The ego will fight tooth and nail to keep you from changing if it is faced with a loss of identity.

So today we are going to skirt around the ego as if she was a sleeping pitbull and we are going to do some gentle yet powerful change work.

Fact:  Change-work starts with vision.

If you are not your old stories of not enough, not worthy and not deserving, WHO ARE YOU?

You need to create a new identity for yourself in order to keep the ego from becoming vicious and using everything in its power to have you not change.

Michael Beckwith spoke one of my favorite pieces of wisdom of all time:

"Pain Pushes Until Vision Pulls"

Up to this point in your life your identity has likely been crafted out of pain. 
All good.  That has been perfect and fine and right.

But have a choice.

Do you want to continue to come from pain or are you willing to let love heal so that you can come from vision?

Today's Invitation: A New SELF (-love) Vision

Who are you if you are not your old "truths"? 
Who are you when you are totally safe to express all the brilliance within you?
Who do you have the potential to be when you step into the experience of radical self-acceptance?

Get out a lined piece of paper and a pen.

Part 1:  Start with this one line:

I have the potential to be:

(write 10 possibilities)
ex.  I have the potential to be a deeply impactful teacher of life and love
I have the potential to be a fully expressed modern day priestess who embodies her power and inspires others
I have the potential to be love in all my actions, thoughts and words

Keep writing until you have 10.

Part 2:  Use this new line:

I AM......

Don't think, just write and see what emerges!
(write 10 possibilities
Ex.  I am divine
I am perfect as I am
I am a vessel for service

Part 3:

Now choose the most resonate (favorite) statements from Part 1 and 2 and put them together.

 Ex) I have the potential to be a fully expressed priestess who embodies her power and inspires others because I am a vessel for service.

Edit your statement however you like so that you LOVE it!!
Your statement should feel as if it mirrors a new truth back to.

Part 4:

Post and share unapologetically; fully in your power with a willingness to be seen, an openness to be celebrated.  Post it in the comments here!  If you choose to play big and be brave, bold and kick-butt awesome....Post and share on your personal page too!

Here’s an example of what to post on your page.

"I'm part of a 7-day Self-Love Revolution and this statement was part of our work this week.  I'm putting it out there because it's who I am with my "not-enough" story. How about you?  Who do YOU have the potential to be?”

Put it out there loud and proud!

The world RESPONDS to who you say you are!!

Today's Mantra:

I am willing to love myself and the world loves me back.

Look for evidence of this today.  The universe WILL give you love if you ask for evidence of it!

Little miracles WILL show up in your life to mirror your love back to you. You have to really be open to seeing them.  Expect them.  Don't question them.  If you see it, it is so.  It might be a person who smiles at you, a favor a friend offers, a self-love theme song that comes on the radio, etc.... 

Delight in finding these little reflections all throughout your day.

Thank you again for being part of this movement!  I feel change in the air and change in my life, and it’s amazing!

Much love,
Marin and Emily Rose

You can check out Marin's website here:

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