Self Love Day #1
What a great time to
give yourself a little self love! We're coming into the holidays HOT HOT
HOT! I can't believe how fast they snuck up on me this year. I’m
also heading off to Winter Solstice Sadhana Celebration, so I wanted to get
these to you to work on while I’m gone and working on myself. Disclaimer: I meant for these to post while I was at Solstice, but technology didn't work with me. Oh well! 😀
As promised, over the
next seven days, I'm going to share some self love teachings from Marin
Bach-Antonson, who you can learn more about here. This
beautiful woman came to me through Kim Salter who facilitates the Nashville
Sister Circle I talked about last week. A lot of this is copied directly
from Marin's emails, so I'm not going to take any credit for it other than
sharing it with you and adding my little comments here and there about my own
experience! So, are you ready to dive right in??
These are a few things
you can do every day that will start you on the path of self love!
1. Get a package of
post-it notes or some paper and tape, and put reminder notes all around your
house...especially on your mirrors and even in your car! I even made the background and lock screen on
my phone a photo of my post-it note. The notes should simply say, "I
love you!" This is your mantra this week. Say it as often as
you possibly can. Think of yourself as an empty vase that needs filled,
and you fill that vase a little more every time you say, "I love you.”
It might be awkward at first but stick with it. "I love
you" is powerful medicine!! JUST doing this one thing could
potentially change your life! And if you've been doing the mirror work
that I discussed a couple of weeks ago, you're already a step ahead of the game
2. Each day, share at
least 3 THINGS that you love about yourself.
You can post them here anonymously in the comments, share with some
trusted friends or family, or if you're brave, even post it on your Facebook
page! Here is a sample post:
This week I'm sparking a self-love revolution
and I want to invite you to join me! I'm going to be posting 3 things per
day that I love about myself because I believe that if one person does it we
give permission for others to do the same. Will you join me? What
are three things you love about yourself? Write them here and post this on
your page. Here are my three things:
I love my naturally wavy auburn hair.
I love my curves.
I love my voice.
3. Begin your day with
love, not technology. I use my phone for my alarm clock, so it's really
easy for me to grab it to turn off the alarm and then start playing on email or
Facebook. Instead, remind yourself of
your worthiness before getting out of bed. Breathe in love and breathe out
love. Enfold yourself in light. Saturate your being in love. Most people
start their day with a low level of dread. Consciously make a choice to shift
this mindset for these 7 days, and hopefully for a lifetime!
4. Are you brave enough
to ditch your scale for the week? Do it! Put it in the garage, the
basement or perhaps the trash. Weight is one of the biggest "bear
traps" when it comes to self-love. We are going to radically
practice acceptance this week and for many of us, the scale is a sure fire
spiral into negative patterned thinking. Get rid of it. If you really
want to you can bring it back next Monday.
I haven’t owned a scale in a little over two years, and it’s amazing how
much happier I am with my body!
Ok, so those were the
daily rituals. Here is the invitation for day one:
Treat yourself like a
dear, dear friend and go out and buy yourself a little treasure today.
You can choose whatever budget you'd like but I want to suggest something
small like $5-10 dollars.
What wonderful present
will choose? A bar of dark chocolate, a bunch of tulips, a new nail
polish color, a bar of fancy soap? Buy something you normally wouldn't!
If you don't have the
time to pick up an item, then write yourself a short, sweet note.
Must do: Have fun
turning attention on yourself!
Enjoy this week!
Much love,
Marin and Emily Rose
Check out Marin's website here:
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