Saturday, December 20, 2014

Self Love Day #5

Just a reminder, this self-love revolution came from Marin Bach-Antonson, who you can learn more about here.  This beautiful woman came to me through Kim Salter who facilitates the Nashville Sister Circle I talked about last week.  A lot of this is copied directly from Marin's emails, so I'm not going to take any credit for it other than sharing it with you and adding my little comments here and there about my own experience!

You are perfect just as you are
You are enough
You are so loveable
You are important
You are beautiful inside and out
Your body is perfect just as it is

Imagine if we grew up hearing this every night before bed and every morning as we met the new day as children.

How might your life have been different?  I'm not sure how to answer that for myself, but I DO know that I am a caregiver for a small child.  We can start right here, right now to foster a new generation that grows up hearing these messages.

How might their lives be different?

Create a truth mantra for your children, your nieces, nephews, grand babies, etc.

Choose 3 lines, like the ones above that feel really good...maybe ones that you would have wanted to hear as a kid...and start saying them to the children in your life.  Constantly!

Whisper them.  Make a painting for your kid’s room.  Write a letter. Write notes in lunch bags.  Make it your sign off in your cards.  Create a goodnight song.  Do everything you can to give the children in your life a loud and clear message that they are perfect as they are.

Now here's some great news.  It’s actually not too late for us.  We can still offer these loving words to the inner children in us.

Imagine if we started right here, right now and also began to foster a new generation of women and men who love themselves enough to take the time to speak lovingly to themselves everyday...

Imagine if you spoke these words aloud every night and every morning.

How would your life be different?

I want to invite you to make this a NON-NEGOTIABLE in your life. 

This is a revolution after all and revolutionaries don't play small.  They don't sit on the sidelines and just post on FB.

What changes are you making?  What steps are you taking?  What shifts are you noticing?

It's time to up the ante.

This is going to end in 2 days and if you're not careful your personal revolution will end with it.

For the Love of Self....Don't let that happen!

Make a list of 3 non-negotiables that will help you continue your self-love revolution.

I'll start and end my day with my truth mantra
I'll eat something green daily
I'll buy myself a small self-love gift once a week/month

Now this is important Just THREE.  Just THREE!  Just THREE!?  And keep them simple!

People have a tendency to go whole hog with wanting to make change and then easily fizzle out.  It’s not because you're lazy.  It's because it's TOO MUCH for the critter brain to deal with; too much change and a threat to identity.  The ego won't allow the change to take place without a vicious fight. Most people give up the fight because it’s too mentally exhausting. What happens...we forget!?  Hence, we bungee back to where we started.

If you start with three super small, simple things you have a much higher chance of actually creating lasting change.

So, given those guidelines, what are YOUR 3 non-negotiables?  Post them here in the comments and on your facebook page.

Today's Invitation:  Give yourself at least 5 hugs throughout the day!

Today's Self-Love Dare: Let at least 1 hug be in public!

Honestly what is the worst that could happen...someone looks at you funny!?
Now what’s the best thing that could happen...someone walks away with a spark in their heart, a smile on their face, and the message to love themselves! 

I dare you!  :)


Today's Self-Love Resource:  I love this article from Tina Su who writes about taking yourself out on a self-love date.

She gives some cool ideas and I thought you would like this.

I want to invite you to SCHEDULE a self-love date TODAY and put it on your calendar for next week.

This will help you continue your self-love revolution once this journey is over.

But enough of that!  We still have three full days of self-love, sisterhood and sparks to make!

Much love and hugs,
Emily Rose and Marin

Check out Marin's website here:

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