It also said to only apply if you were serious and going to use the name. Hmmm...I wasn't sure at the time how serious I was or whether I was ready for my name yet. However, after talking to one of my teachers after class one night, she encouraged me to go for it. I got on the website again, put in my name, gender, birthday, a little information about myself and made a donation to the organization. A few days later, I received an email with my spiritual name. Here's what it said:
You have been blessed to live as Siri Avtar Kaur, the Princess/Lioness of God who embodies spiritual greatness through her ability to teach and guide others.
Siri means great. Avtar is incarnation, embodiment, manifestation, spiritual teacher. Kaur is a name that all women receive - the Princess/Lioness of God who walks with grace and strength throughout her life. Yogi Bhajan taught that every woman has the potential to attain this divine state and encouraged all to manifest it.
Use the rich vibrational capacity of your name, Siri Avtar Kaur, to manifest your soul’s gift – that you can easily become the embodiment of a greatness that gives you the ability to teach and guide others. Remember God with every breath to allow you to manifest who you really are. In this way you will effortlessly uplift and guide those around to look to their highest consciousness.
The power of your spiritual name is that the more you speak and hear it, the more it permeates your being, opening you to experience its nadh (universal inner sound current). Consciously merge with the vibration of the nadh to come into harmony with your highest destiny.Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my GOSH! I got my spiritual name! I was like a little kid on Christmas the day it came. I wanted to tell the world and let them know that
I have a spiritual name!!!
Wait...that's a little intense. The Great Spiritual Teacher?? What does that mean?? What am I supposed to do?? What am I meant to teach? Am I really all that great? Who am I to teach anything?? What if I don't know enough to teach? STOP! (This is actually a really effective way to stop the self doubt and negative self talk. If you haven't tried it yet, you should!) Take a breath! Everything I've learned so far has taught me to have faith; to know that I am taken care of; to know that I'm taking the steps in the right direction; to know that there's a bigger plan and a reason that I'm here.
The more I thought about it, the more I realized that I'm already doing it! I'm finding my way to my divine purpose using my divine path every day. Every breath, every step, every move, every training is taking me one step closer. Every time I am grateful for something in my life, every time I share that gratitude with someone else, I am learning and I am teaching by sharing that gift with the world.
That said, every time someone has told me in the last year that I was an inspiration to them, I was terrified. What if they fail? What if they don't find the joy in it that I have? What if? What if? What if?? Then I take a breath, and I remember that whatever they do, whatever choices they make, it is their path. It is their step in the direction of their divine life purpose. It is their karma to learn in this lifetime.
I am nowhere near being The Great Spiritual Teacher yet, and I know you can't become a great teacher without having great teachers. I have had way too many teachers to begin to individually list all of them today, but I will give thanks to them in my own way and in my own time. I have one who I would like to thank today right here, right now. Ron Browning, my voice coach who I found through the Nashville Jazz Workshop (amazing place, you should check it out), shared with me in one of my first lessons last year that I am just God's instrument and to let the sound flow through me. It helped me have the confidence to stand up in front of the class and sing, which is something I hadn't done in years, and it has helped me dramatically in my yoga. I have used that before every yoga class I have ever taught. When I don't feel like I have the knowledge, the courage or the strength to teach a class, I say to myself, "I am God's instrument. Please help me give these students what they need today." And then I relax and let it flow, and I know that whatever I'm teaching them is what they are meant to learn in that specific moment.
I will continue to learn more every day so that I can be a better teacher. I am so honored to continue to share my lessons with you in the hopes that they will help you in some way, and I have a favor to ask of you in return. The neat thing about spiritual names is that the more you say them and the more people say them to you, the more you grow into that vibration. So, the next time you see me (if it resonates with you) please feel free to call me by my spiritual name, Siri Avtar Kaur, and I will do my best to grow into it.
Much love and sat nam,
Siri Avtar Kaur (a.k.a. Emily Rose)
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