Monday, October 13, 2014

Solar Powered

I have been accused of being solar powered. On the days that turn into weeks when we have cloudy, overcast days, my energy levels plummet. Running and yoga level that out. It's almost like they open up a channel for the sun to shine in even on the days when I can't actually see it. This week has been especially hard on me. Not only has there been very little sun, but I also have not allowed the time for myself to go play and run outside (which I will do in the rain, too, most of the time).  There was also that pesky little Mercury who happens to be in retrograde right now, peaking this week. If you don't know about the effects of Mercury in retrograde, just google it. You will find a plethora of websites devoted to educating the general public about this astrological event that happens 2-3 times every year. The moon happens to be traveling through cancer right now, so the emotional moon and the emotional cancer have joined in on this especially sensitive time to create the perfect storm and make me a moody mess. Lucky for me (and anyone who gets the extreme pleasure of relating with me this week), there is also yoga, a perfect indoor activity when the skies are opening up on us!  I'm looking forward to my time on the mat today almost as much as I'm looking forward to the sunshine the meteorologist has promised me at the end of the week.  The meditative run we will take this weekend and the beautiful yoga practice after will be a great way to continue to release all of the emotions and frustrations that have built up through the week. I hope you'll join us!

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